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Sacred Tahoe Time

With Sandra Winslow                                   April 24-26 2020

     Hosted by Chris Janz                                                          Tahoe California

This innovative workshop will provide you with practical tools for bringing about clarity and harmony in your life. Help you to live each day with a sense of joy and peace. Assist you to better understand and manage your own unique energetic signature.


  •  Discover where your Intuition, Imagination and Creative centers are and how to utilize their full potential.
  • Learn empowering exercises and journeys to receive and work with power animals.
  • Work in the three realms of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, right thinking (serpent), right loving (eagle), right action ( jaguar).
  • Includes one private session with Sandra, working with Cowrie Shell Divination and Energetic Engineering



Registration for 2 days $295                                  All 4 days $495

Register with paypal at sw@sandrawinslow.com or email Sandra at sw@sandrawinslow.com

For lodging and location information email Chris Janz at chris@janzecompany.com

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